The Founders

The Founders of The Amada Madonna Company.

The vision of the Founders of The Amada Madonna Company is to combine excellence, exaltation of life and the best of human talent, to evolve into a market as traditional as that of weddings, celebrations and travel.

The Founders of Amada Madonna.

Pioneers in the great world of weddings, celebrations and travel.

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The founding duo.

Amada Dominguez. Foundress of Amada Madonna Company.

Amada Dominguez.

Artist and humanist.
Francisco Rubin. Founder of Amada Madonna Company.

Francisco Rubin.

Business strategist.

"One of the most beautiful events in life is the celebration of a couple's love, such as the union of two families through marriage. The support of weddings professionals, the creation of precious memories for posterity recorded in photographs, in videos; and especially, the memories made in tourist places, are able to mark people's lives. When all this comes together, then it can greatly inspire children, grandchildren and future generations to also celebrate love".

Words of The Foundress.

The Foundress of Amada Madonna and her Work Team.

The Foundress of Amada Madonna and her Work Team.
The Foundress of Amada Madonna and her Work Team.
The Foundress of Amada Madonna and her Work Team.
The Foundress of Amada Madonna and her Work Team.
Honorable mention of Adriana Fermín.

Honorific mention.

Adriana Fermín.

We are proud to make an honorable mention on the page of the founders to one of the executives that the Amada Madonna Company had, for her support and loyalty for so many years, we wish her fullness and happiness in her retirement.